

kimchi admin 8160浏览 0评论

Release Notes

  • Release goal

The objective of this project is to provide the following functions.

  1. Provide tools to build ISO with ovirt-node(ovirt-node is a lightweight hypervisor management system based on KVM and linux system like centos, fedora) and kimchi(kimchi is an HTML5 based management tool for KVM). Users can use this function to rapidly deploy the first VM.
  2. Integrate Openstack(OpenStack is a free and open-source software cloud computing platform) with ovirt-node and kimchi, take Openstack as a cloud platform.
  3. Provide a 3-layer network based Openstack deployment solution. User not need to config 2-layer network like vlan, dhcp-reply for deploying Openstack. Users can deploy a Openstack environment in only a few steps.

*** We have implemented function 1, the others are in progress. The following sections are a direction about how to use function 1**

  • Build ISO
  1. Install a host with CentOS 6.5(fedora may also be ok but we haven’t tested it by now)
  2. Git clone litevirt-livecd project
    git clonehttps://github.com/litevirt/litevirt-livecd.git
    cd litevirtlivecd
  3. Config yum for ovirt-node and kimchi which may need OS, epel.
  4. Install some dependent packages for building ovirt-node, kimchi
  5. Build iso
  • Install ISO
  1. The procedure is the same as installing ovirt-nodeinstall
  2. For the first start from hard disk, please config static ip, ssh login and host name in configuration pagenetwork
  • Use kimchi
  1. Using admin account to login into kimchi, the URL is http://IP:8000/loginkimchi
  2. In template page, choose ‘Add Template’ to enter into ‘Add Template’ page, then choose ‘Upload ISO Image’ to enter into ‘Upload ISO Image’ page. Seletet local files to upload to serveruploadimg1
  3. Return back to ‘Add Template’ page, choose ‘Local ISO Image’ to enter into ‘Local ISO Image’ page, press ‘Search ISOs’ to discovery ISO which has been uploaded in above stepsearchiso1
  4. Choose ISO and press ‘Create Templates from selected ISO’ to create template
  5. In Guests page, choose template to create VM createvm
  6. In Guests page, press “Start” button to power on VMpoweron
  7. In Guests page, Press “Actions->Connect” to connect to VMconsole

By now you can use the VM


转载请注明:爱开源 » 基于kimchi和ovirt-node快速搭建虚拟化环境

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