
litevirt 0.2 搭建openstack虚拟化环境

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release log of litevirt 0.2:

*updated qemu to 1.6.2 and libvirt to 1.2.0

*fixed a bug that may result in failures of upload isos

*added a function of creating a new template from remote iso image




You can find how to use kimchi from here : 基于kimchi和ovirt-node快速搭建虚拟化环境


litevirt-livecd 0.2

Based on ovirt-node project, create img of Openstack nodes

Install a host with CentOS 6.5(fedora may also be ok but we haven’t made too much tests on it by now) git clone litevirt-livecd:


git clone https://github.com/litevirt/litevirt-livecd.git


compute node

  1. Config yum for Openstack and ovirt-node which may need OS, epel, RDO and a customized repo in http://openstack.wiaapp.com/openstack-ovirt-node-deps. You can config them by yourself, or just run the following commands:


cd compute
 sh installrepo.sh


  1. Install some dependent packages for building ovirt-node, kimchi


sh installdeps.sh


  1. Build iso of compute node


sh autobuild.sh


  1. Install iso
    (1) The procedure is the same as installing ovirt-node
    (2) Config static ip, ssh login and host name in configuration page
  2. Config compute node
    (1) ssh host
    (2) cd /usr/libexec
    (3) sh configcompute.sh –controllerip xx –localip xx

controller node

  1. Build iso of openstack controller node


cd controller
sh -x autobuild.sh


  1. Install openstack controller node login livecd system as root user with no password then execute shell srcipt:


/usr/sbin/bos-install --drive /dev/sda


network node

  1. build iso


cd network
  sh -x autobuild.sh


  1. install iso boot machine with the iso you build


bos-install --drive install_device(such as "/dev/sda")

转载请注明:爱开源 » litevirt 0.2 搭建openstack虚拟化环境

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