这些天有个项目是需要一部分Android开发。本想去官网看文档,众所周知的原因,官网无法连接。下载了本地的文件,由于是做的整站镜像,搜索功能无法正常使用,这对于经常要使用此功能的我来说很是麻烦。于是想到了把文件上传到GAE,再利用Google的本地功能来实现。 想的很简单,写好了app.yaml就要上传。谁知道试了几次也不成功。帮助手册上说的很明确:
限制 | 值 |
请求大小 | 10 兆字节 |
响应大小 | 10 兆字节 |
请求持续时间 | 30 秒 |
同时动态请求 | 30 * |
应用程序文件的最大数目 | 1,000 |
静态文件的最大数目 | 1,000 |
应用程序文件的最大大小 | 10 兆字节 |
静态文件的最大大小 | 10 兆字节 |
所有应用程序和静态文件的最大总大小 | 150 兆字节 |
看了看要上传的文件夹,5000多个文件,小气的google根本满足不了我。 想到Python的灵活性,在手册中翻了到了zipfile类库。有门!就上传zip文档,边解压边浏览。Google要用时间来换空间那就累死他的CPU 写个GAE应用loadzip.py:
#!/bin/env python ## ## This is a project for Google App Engine ## that support create a webisite by ZIP packages! ## ## By Litrin J. 2010/11 ## Website: www.litrin.net ## Example: android-sdk.appspot.com ## import wsgiref.handlers from google.appengine.ext import webapp from google.appengine.api import memcache from zipfile import ZipFile import os import logging import mimetypes import re class MainHandler(webapp.RequestHandler): ''''' This is a project for Google App Engine that support create a webisite by ZIP packages! ''' URL = '' CACHEDTIME = 60*60*24*30 #setting memcaching time (seconds) def get(self): self.URL=self.request.path if ( self.URL[-1:] == '/'): #Get the defaule file for the path self.URL+='index.html' sRealFileName = os.getcwd() + self.URL if (os.path.exists(sRealFileName)): #If the file not be ziped, read it drictory fNoZipedFile = open(sRealFileName,'r') Entry = fNoZipedFile.read() fNoZipedFile.close() else: Entry = self.loadFile() self.buildMineType() #Set the Mine type in header if (self.response.headers['Content-Type'] == 'text/html'): Entry = self.regex(Entry) self.response.out.write(Entry) #Response building finished! def loadZipFile(self): #Load the file from zip files. This is the core function! lFilename = self.URL.split('/') iPathLevel = 1 #Loop count, The dir layers bLoaded = False #Sucessful marks while(iPathLevel < = len(lFilename)): #Get the zip file name and the filename from the URL, support muli-layer sFilePath = os.getcwd() sFileName = '' iElementCount = 1 for sElement in lFilename: #Set or reset the Zip filename if ( iElementCount <= iPathLevel): sFilePath += sElement + '/' if ( iElementCount >= iPathLevel ): sFileName += sElement + '/' iElementCount += 1 sFileName = sFileName[0:-1] sZipFilename = sFilePath[0:-1] + '.zip' if (os.path.exists(sZipFilename)): #Found the Zip file ZipFileHandle = ZipFile(sZipFilename) Entry = ZipFileHandle.read(sFileName) bLoaded = True ZipFileHandle.close() if (Entry is not None): logging.info(sFileName + " in " + sZipFilename + " Loaded!") return Entry break iPathLevel +=1 if (bLoaded==False): #Can't file the file in Zip packages logging.error('No found ' + self.request.path + '' +sZipFilename+' !') self.error(404) return None def loadFile(self): #Load in from memcache if cached Entry = self.loadFromMemcach() if Entry is None: #If not cached, cache it Entry = self.loadZipFile() if(Entry is not None): self.writeToMemcache(Entry) return Entry def loadFromMemcach(self): memcachkey = self.URL #The cache key is URL Entry = memcache.get(memcachkey) if Entry is not None: return Entry else: return None def writeToMemcache(self, data): memcachkey = self.URL #set the URL as the key memcache.add(memcachkey, data, self.CACHEDTIME) logging.info(memcachkey + ' cached!') return True def buildMineType(self): #Building the MineType in Http header sFilename = os.path.basename(self.URL) lFileName = sFilename.split(".") sExFilename = lFileName.pop() #Get the file ex-filename mimetypes.init() sMineType = mimetypes.types_map['.'+sExFilename] if (sMineType == ''): #Others can't be idented, set to HTML sMineType = 'text/html' self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = sMineType #Send Content-type def regex(self, Entry): lRegGroup=( ('n+', 'n'), # ('t+', 't'), # ) for sRegCell in lRegGroup: (sSource, sTarget) = sRegCell rInfo = re.compile(sSource) Entry = rInfo.sub(sTarget, Entry) return Entry def main(): application = webapp.WSGIApplication([('.*', MainHandler)], debug=True) wsgiref.handlers.CGIHandler().run(application) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
比较简单,我也没有写太多注释。考虑到Google一直被这么搞,挂掉也不好,于是启用了memcache。 重写app.yaml
application: android-sdk version: 1 runtime: python api_version: 1 handlers: - url: .* script: zipload.py #- url: / # static_files: index.html # upload: index.html
准备就绪,把手册中每一个子目录压缩成zip,极限大小也无所谓,然后把手册根目录下的所有文件和这两个文件放在同一目录下。上传至GAE便可。 捎带说下,由于GAE还有对文件大小的限制。用此方法还无法完全解决Adroid手册上传的问题,后来我用了分级的目录结构搞定的,原理上跟上面是一致的,在此不再累述了。 把我的Android手册网站共享给大家 http://android-sdk.appspot.com/index.html PS:
- Linux下的Idle工具真烂,远不及以及够烂的windows版。好在SPE这个工具很好用。
- GAE的sdk for linux没有桌面工具,只能用命令行方式,在此代表Linux用户表示抗议!
本项目的后续版本已经通过google code开源,敬请访问:
转载请注明:爱开源 » 突破GAE文件数量的限制