最近在用Nagios监控Xen PV虚拟机的时候出现了问题,在被监控的服务器上是采用nrpe来采集数据的。但是在进程里无法看到PV虚拟机的进程,虽然可以通过xm top vpsname的方式来获取名为vpsname虚拟机的cpu使用率情况,但是不便于采集数据,通过xm list可以采集到cpu时间,根据CPU时间的差值,可以计算CPU使用率,可是该命令只能root执行,因为该命令可以进行关闭,重启虚拟机等重要操作,所以如果把权限给了nrpe,将可能造成严重的安全问题。
[root@aikaiyuan ~]# yum -y install libvirt-devel
/** * Program Name: vCpu.c * Author: steptodream * Description:A simple plugin to get vps cpu usage * for nagios(nrpe) by libvirt api * Compile:gcc -o vCpu vCpu.c -lvirt */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <libvirt/libvirt.h> /* define the exit status for nagios */ #define OK 0 #define WARNING 1 #define CRITICAL 2 #define UNKNOWN 3 /* get cpu time of the given name */ double getCpuTime(char *vpsName,virConnectPtr conn) { virDomainInfo info; virDomainPtr domain = NULL; int ret; /* Find the domain of the given name */ domain = virDomainLookupByName(conn, vpsName); if (domain == NULL) { printf("Failed to find the vps called %sn", vpsName); exit(OK); } /* Get the information of the domain */ ret = virDomainGetInfo(domain, &info); virDomainFree(domain); if (ret < 0) { printf("Failed to get information for %sn", vpsName); exit(OK); } return info.cpuTime; } int main(int argc,char * argv[]) { char *vpsName; /* vps name */ int interval = 1; /* check interval */ double warning; /* warning value */ double critical; /* critical value */ double cpuUsage; /* cpu usage of the vps */ struct timeval startTime; /* time of the first time to get cpu time */ struct timeval endTime; /* time of the second time to get cpu time */ int realTime; /* real interval between two times */ long long startCpuTime; /* cpu time of the first time */ long long endCpuTime; /* cpu time of the second time */ int cpuTime; /* value of startCpuTime - endCpuTime */ char *output; /* output data for nagios */ int ret; /* exit status for nagios */ virConnectPtr conn; /* connection pointer */ switch (argc){ case 5: interval = atoi(argv[4]); case 4: vpsName = argv[1]; warning = atof(argv[2]); critical = atof(argv[3]); break; default: printf("Usage:vCpu <vName> <warning> <critical> [interval]nn"); return OK; } /* connect to local Xen Host */ conn = virConnectOpenReadOnly(NULL); if (conn == NULL) { printf("Failed to connect to local Xen Hostn"); return OK; } /* get cpu time the first time */ startCpuTime = getCpuTime(vpsName, conn); /* get start time */ if (gettimeofday(&startTime, NULL) == -1) { printf("Failed to get start timen"); return OK; } /* wait for some seconds */ sleep(interval); /* get cpu time the second time */ endCpuTime = getCpuTime(vpsName, conn); /* get end time */ if (gettimeofday(&endTime, NULL) == -1) { printf("Failed to get end timen"); return OK; } /* colose connection */ virConnectClose(conn); /* calculate the usage of cpu */ cpuTime = (startCpuTime - endCpuTime) / 1000; realTime = 1000000 * (startTime.tv_sec - endTime.tv_sec) + (startTime.tv_usec - endTime.tv_usec); cpuUsage = cpuTime / (double)(realTime); /* display cpuUsage by percentage */ cpuUsage *= 100; /* make output data and exit status for nagios*/ if (cpuUsage > critical) { output = "CRITICAL"; ret = CRITICAL; } else if (cpuUsage > warning){ output = "WARNING"; ret = WARNING; } else { output = "OK"; ret = OK; } printf("%s CPU:%.2f%|CPU=%.2f",output,cpuUsage,cpuUsage); return ret; }
[root@aikaiyuan ~]# gcc -o vCpu vCpu.c -lvirt [root@aikaiyuan ~]# ./vCpu vmtest 1 2 OK CPU:0.20%|CPU=0.20
当然了,你同时可以再打开一个终端,用xm top vmtest来获取vmtest的cpu使用率,然后对比一下取值是否接近一致。我们再来看看返回值是否正常,因为Nagios是靠这个来判断服务状态的。
[root@aikaiyuan ~]# echo $? 0
struct virDomainInfo{ unsigned char state : the running state, one of virDomainState unsigned long maxMem : the maximum memory in KBytes allowed unsigned long memory : the memory in KBytes used by the domain unsigned short nrVirtCpu : the number of virtual CPUs for the domain unsigned long long cpuTime : the CPU time used in nanoseconds }
struct timeval { time_t tv_sec; /* seconds */ suseconds_t tv_usec; /* microseconds */ };
转载请注明:爱开源 » libvirt API获得Xen虚拟机CPU使用率