

kvm admin 3654浏览 0评论

1.error:no hypervisor options were found ofr this connection
this usually means that qemu or kvm is not installed on your machine,or the kvm kernel modules are not loaded.
解决方法:开启bios虚拟化并加载modprobe kvm以及kvm_intel.

2.Unable to migrate guest: unsupported configuration: Domain requires KVM, but it is not available. Check that virtualization is enabled in the host BIOS, and host configuration is setup to load the kvm modules.

3.Unable to migrate guest: Unable to allow access for disk path /img/musf-clone1-2-clone.img: No such file or directory
解决方法:迁移与被迁移主机的共享目录一定要一样.即server1目录为/img server2目录也要为/img.

4.Unable to migrate guest: unable to connect to server at ‘kvm3:49153’: Connection refused
5.Unable to migrate guest: Timed out during operation: cannot acquire state change lock
1.虚拟机起不来的情况下.使用kill -9 `ps -ef|grep ‘libvirtd –daemon’|grep -v grep |awk ‘{print $2}’`杀死libvirt –daemon进程并重启libvirtd –daemon

6.error: Unable to initialize network sockets. Check /var/log/messages or run without –daemon for more info.
事件还原:使用virtual host模式安装完centos,并且yum安装好vdsm之后,开启vdsm不能,开启libvirtd不能。显示该错误如上。

7.Host 25 installation failed. SSH command failed while executing at host ‘root@’, refer to logs for further information。

解决方法:1.可以试试查看一下将要共享的文件夹权限是否是vdsm:kvm。若不是使用chown -R命令即可。
authentication name
9.vdsm在加入ovirt时会使用sasl再次加密libvirt,所以使用virt-manager连接libvirt时需要输入 authentication name & passowrd。
解决方法:使用saslpassword2 -a命令创建另一组认证名和密码用于virt-manager对libvirt的访问即可。
命令格式: saslpasswd2 -a libvirt 用户名

VM CentOS6.3T is down. Exit message: internal error Process exited while reading console log output: bind(unix:/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/channels/CentOS6.3T.com.redhat.rhevm.vdsm): Permission denied chardev: opening backend “socket” failed
由于../channels这个文件夹的权限是vdsm qemu。root用户可能不能读取并创建其中的文件。我采用的方法是手动在qemu.conf中注释掉.user = root 以及 group = root并重启libvirtd。
之后出现错误:VM CentOS6.3T is down. Exit message: internal error client socket is closed.
还有VM test is down. Exit message: cannot open file ‘/rhev/data-center/78e07dee-36bc-439b-b71e-72cfd87a2bb3/f84e3679-281e-41d4-9ea9-b8221085fa7b/images/2e93290e-f1b5-42b2-bdf6-fad695de2ccb/ef334a97-e01b-4d7c-afb0-814ffbe537f0’: Permission denied.
我直接覆盖了libvirtd.conf qemu.conf以及vdsm.conf文件.最近权限问题整的我焦头烂额啊.以后再找具体错误.

转载请注明:爱开源 » 在kvm中遇到过的一些问题

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